After six years as Superior Trustee and more than 40 years as a non-profit staff professional and board member, I am certain that that we legislate best by listening to and learning from our constituents. If re-elected, I will continue to make decisions that prioritize the safety and quality of life of our residents. I look forward to the privilege of continuing to collaborate with you in making intentional decisions about our hometown and ensuring that where we are going is where we want to be.

My Commitment to You

I will continue to provide careful scrutiny to topics that come before the Board to ensure compliance with existing ordinances and planning documents, to exercise integrity and transparency in communicating with constituents, and to pay close attention to how decisions we make will impact the wallets of our residents.

My promise to you and Superior

  • To make decisions based on facts, tempered by careful listening to needs and wants of our residents
  • To ensure that the safety and quality of life of our residents remains our top priority in order to preserve and protect our property values
  • To listen and learn from everyone in the community, including those whose positions may differ from my own
  • To focus on responsible use of limited financial resources, applying the same fiscal discipline to the Town’s decisions that I apply in my personal and professional life
  • To use deliberative budgeting to ensure that our residents needs and wants do not outstrip their desire to pay for them
  • To maintain the high level of integrity that I have shown throughout my non-profit career, steering clear of any and all relationships or activities that might be perceived as a conflict of interest
  • To exercise transparency in decision-making and practice early, ongoing communication with residents on all initiatives
  • To continue to do the research and commit the time to prepare not only for Town Board for meetings but the plethora of outside collaborations and deliberations that help get the work of government done
  • To continue to advocate for the residents of multi-family housing communities and the essential role they play in addressing the diverse housing needs of Superior and the Denver Metro region
  • To honor the historical roots of Superior so that in our effort to grow we do not trample the past