My Endorsements

For many years Sandie and I have had the opportunity to work together on issues that are important to Superior and Louisville, and now Boulder County, not the least of which is the impact of Rocky Mountain Metro Airport on our communities. She has a clear understanding of how government functions, and works cooperatively in regional forums where she advocates actively and passionately for Superior. She has successfully brought in outside funding for Superior through the Denver Regional Council of Governments and now thoughtfully shares Superior’s voice in the Boulder County Consortia of Cities. I strongly endorse Sandie’s re-election to the Superior Board of Trustees and look forward to our continued work together.

Ashley Stolzman

Commissioner, Boulder County

The Town of Superior and the residents of Rock Creek deserve a leader who understands the community’s needs, and Sandie Hammerly is that leader. As the only candidate from the original Rock Creek subdivision, Sandie has proven her commitment to improving the quality of life for her neighbors through smart, inclusive growth and community-focused solutions.

I’ve had the privilege of working alongside Sandie as a fellow Trustee, and her thoughtful, prepared approach to every issue was always inspiring. She doesn’t just listen to the community—she engages deeply, ensuring every voice helps shape her decisions. That’s the kind of leadership we need more of.

When the community needed her, Sandie stepped up without hesitation, accepting a 2-year appointment to fill a board vacancy. In that time, she’s been a relentless advocate for critical improvements—whether it’s securing new programming at the community center for our growing senior population or pushing for vital infrastructure updates to our roads and pools.

But what truly sets Sandie apart is her personal stake in one of our town’s most pressing issues: the constant overhead flight operations. As a current Trustee, she doesn’t just listen to residents’ concerns—she lives them. The noise and disruption from hundreds of daily touch-and-go flights aren’t just background noise to her; they’re a constant reminder of the health and safety risks we all face. Sandie is uniquely positioned to fight for quieter skies, and I believe she’s the strongest advocate we could have.

Sandie Hammerly has my full support, and I urge you to join me in voting for her—a candidate who is always prepared, deeply committed, and ready to deliver real solutions for our community. 

Kevin Ryan

Superior Trustee (2016-2020)

If you vote for just one trustee in this election cycle, it should be for Sandie Hammerly. Sandie has served as your trustee for six years and has been a steady, grounding force focused on good decision-making and wise use of financial resources. Building community is at the heart of her decisions, whether it be her successful advocacy for the Community Center which has since become a mainstay, her successful championing of increased programming for our growing population of seniors, or her dedication to personally making herself available to meet with residents to discuss our concerns. If there is an event, Sandie is there.
All of this is couched in the seriousness with which Sandie takes her job as trustee. She enters each Town Board meeting having done the considerable homework the job entails, including seeking our opinion. She prioritizes thorough discussion among the trustees to learn even more. When Sandie talks, other trustees listen because they know she will be well-informed. Sandie is happy when the Board can coalesce around a solution, but she is unafraid to vote no when she feels a decision is not best for the community. I served alongside Sandie for two years and know this firsthand.
Superior faces serious issues that require Sandie’s experience, her forward-thinking, her backbone and her commitment to us, the people who comprise this wonderful community. Please join me in voting for Sandie so she can continue her inspired work for us.
Sandy Pennington

Superior Trustee 2010-2018, Superior Mayor Pro-Tem 2017-18

Trustee Hammerly has always been an advocate for Superior residents. She is not afraid to raise challenging issues, ask difficult questions, or have uncomfortable conversations around topics that are important to our Town. Her vocal support for Superior’s public art program, as well as its senior population are just two of many reasons to vote for Sandie Hammerly this fall. 

Andrew Vaughan

Chair TOS Cultural Arts and Public Spaces Committee

I’ve had the great pleasure of working with Sandie Hammerly over the past 8 years and wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy for the Superior Board of Trustees.  Sandie is smart, passionate, and dedicated to doing the best for our Town.  As a resident living South of Coalton, Sandie knows the adverse impact that the flight schools are having on our community — Sandie has been a true ally in our fight against the airport and if your top concern is RMMA, you should vote for Sandie Hammerly.  

Also, because of Sandie’s hard work, the Town is now offering various programs tailored towards seniors in our community.  Sandie shows up, does the work, and is always prepared.  We are better off because Sandie has served our Town and I hope voters will re-elect Sandie so she can continue serving our Town. 

Mark Lacis

Mayor, Town of Superior

Sandie and I have now served Superior together for nearly six years while serving on the Town Board. We’ve been through fracking, the creation of the Superior Community Center, the pandemic, moving forward on Downtown Superior, litigation against the airport, and a million other budget and spending decisions. Each of these issues has required deep thinking about the impacts of decisions and she has never shied away from making her position known. Equally important, she listens to the community, Town staff and Board to make thoughtful decisions. She brings an incredibly valuable voice and I know that our Community has been and would be well-served by her re-election. 

Neal Shah

Mayor Pro-Tem, Town of Superior

New residential arena brought Sandie Hammerly, to scenic Town of Superior Boulder County, Colorado USA.  She brought her International/National Public Service experience, with her, and soon was involved in Local government arena. Her endless energy has contributed to Down Town Superior arena, creation/building of Superior Community Center, expansive Town, and rebuilding after Marshall Fire.
My November 5, 2024, Town Election Vote, will be to retain Sandie Hammerly, as Town Trustee.
Consider YOUR VOTE, FOR Sandie Hammerly, as Town Trustee – a dedicated Superiorite, serving ALL residents.
Gladys M Forshee

Displaced Original Town Resident, Town of Superior